Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Ride Leader

Both Thursday night's ride to our clubhouse and Sunday's mystery ride will be led by Road Sargent Theresa Anderson. Both Jim and Tom will be frolicking in Canada.

God Help Canada!

As many of you know, I've been fighting my share of health problems over the past five months. When I agreed to do this blog, I had no idea what was about to face. Therefore, I offer my apology for not writing as many blogs and I had intended to.

I need good stories from the road and thoughts (that I can publish) to keep this blog interesting as I will not be able to ride for at least another six weeks.

Pass along good stuff and I'll write it up.

Ride Safe Ride Free Ride with Pride


1 comment:

Ghost from the past said...

I can't believe I found you after all these years.

As Father's Day approaches-ponder, and mourn for what you have lost. Was it easy for you to throw your daughters away?

We have all done well in life in spite of your selfishness.

From your adult girls x3.