Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Last Ride

Last Thursday night was one to remember. It started out great. 30 bikes and about 40 riders got together at David's Restaurant in Chesterfield for or first pre-meeting ride of the season. I rode near the back of the pack. I could tell we were all a little rusty at formation riding, but still looked really good. It was a nice short ride up through Colchester, then back to our Montville Club House for a cook out. After stuffing ourselves, we had our regular business meeting, which was mercifully short.

After the meeting I road back to Colchester with three of my buddies and my co-rider Sherry. I wanted to stop for coffee at D&D. but made the fateful decision to ride home early so I could knock off a blog about the upcoming weekends activities. As many of you know, that's when I parted company with my bike and broke my ankle.

Doc says I can't bare any weight on my foot for four to six weeks. These are going to be really long weeks. The harassment has already begun in earnest.

First, two of my club brothers went to Walmant to buy training wheels for my Harley. Lucky for them, they left unsuccessful as they were out of stock. Good going Walmart!

I've been getting a lot of calls from club members and I really enjoy hearing from them. Trouble is, instead of signing off with: Ride Safe, now all I hear is Don't Slide in the Pooh! I've been forewarned I'm in contention to win the NLMC Dauntless Rider award - Two Years in a Row! I really would like to pass that "honor" on to another club brother.

On top of that, I have to battle my dog for couch time! OH, the embarrassment of it all!

Well, this goes along with being a club member: You have a lot of people who care about you.

As far as being a pet owner, I couldn't live any other way.

I will keep you informed about upcoming rides as I find out what's happening.

Ride Safe,


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